A SouthCarolinian family planting seeds of hope just outside of Fortaleza, Brazil.
One Year Abroad
Missed the livestream? No Worries!
Click the link below to replay the our livestream where we talk about completing one year on the field!
"I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth".
-Jesus, Acts 13:47
loving... missionally
We set up a mission post in a rural farming community in North Eastern Brazil. As Christ followers, It is our heart to love intentionally, but not in a way that enables or hurts others. We desire to love in a way that points others to Jesus and makes them thirst for a deep relationship with Him. Our ministry involves reaching locals, but also consist of leading short term groups and interns to help us serve. Discipling victims of child trafficking, orphan advocacy, spiritual oppression, addiction, and extreme physical and spiritual poverty are our areas of "investment". We are passionate about building relationships, equipping people to walk in faith with Jesus, and seeing people come to an intimate dependence upon Jesus.